Punching Yourself, the art of pentesting

At Extra Security, we don't just find holes—we help you patch them. Our founder is one of the most well known, and top ranked penetration testers in the world. Partnering with Extra ensures you discover the gaps in your walls before the bad guys.

The Reasoning Behind Penetration Testing

Imagine you've built a fortress. It looks solid, secure, and impregnable. You sleep peacefully within its walls. One day, a tiny army with a cunning plan sneaks through a hidden hole in the wall and—boom! The fortress, your fortress, falls. Not a delightful thought, right?

Penetration testing is like inviting that tiny, cunning army (aka ethical hackers) to find and report the hidden holes before a not-so-friendly army discovers them. It is a simulated cyberattack against your computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system. The goal? Find vulnerabilities before they can be exploited and ensure that your defenses can withstand actual attack scenarios.

Making the Most of Pen Tests

Now, penetration testing isn't something you do just to tick a box. It’s a critical tool in your cybersecurity arsenal and should be treated as such. The insights derived from these tests are not meant to gather dust in a forgotten corner of your server. They should be used to fortify your defenses and make informed decisions about where to direct resources for strengthening security.

Effective pen testing involves engaging security experts to simulate real-world attack scenarios. After the testing is complete, they'll provide you with a comprehensive report, detailing vulnerabilities found, data breaches that could occur, and recommendations to beef up your security. With Extra, we can even partner with you to ensure those recommendations get put in place!

The Impact of Pen Testing on Regulatory Compliance

In sectors like healthcare and finance, data security is more than a best practice—it's a legal obligation. You've probably heard of HIPAA, HITRUST, ISO 13485, and other standards, each with a unique alphabet soup of regulations. Pen testing can play a pivotal role in compliance with these standards.

For instance, HIPAA requires risk assessments to protect electronic protected health information (ePHI). Penetration testing can identify the vulnerabilities that pose risks to ePHI, helping you meet HIPAA's requirements.

Remember, compliance is not just about avoiding fines. It's about demonstrating to your customers, partners, and stakeholders that you take data security seriously. It’s the baseline that you can build a world class program off of.

Identifying High-Quality Pen Tests

Not all pen tests are created equal. High-quality penetration tests have a few common characteristics:

  • They're tailored to your unique environment and business needs.

  • They simulate realistic attack scenarios based on up-to-date threat intelligence.

  • They provide actionable recommendations rather than just a list of problems.

Remember, the goal of a pen test is to make you more secure, not to give you a headache. The best pen tests give you a clear path to remediation and improved security.

Extra Security offers a variety of penetration tests to help you identify vulnerabilities in your security before cybercriminals do. Each test serves a unique purpose in evaluating the different aspects of your security.

  • Our external penetration testing is designed to evaluate your external-facing infrastructure, such as your website or email server, to see if an attacker could gain access from the outside. Our experts use up-to-date threat intelligence and realistic attack scenarios to provide you with actionable recommendations that are tailored to your unique environment and business needs. With Extra, you can trust that our experts will provide you with a comprehensive report of vulnerabilities found and recommendations to beef up your security.

  • Our internal penetration testing checks your internal network for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers who have already bypassed your perimeter defenses. Our experts use a hybrid approach, utilizing both Red Team and Blue Team collaboration to maximize the effectiveness of your security measures. We then provide you with a comprehensive report detailing vulnerabilities found, data breaches that could occur, and recommendations to improve your security posture. With Extra, you can be assured that our experts will help you identify vulnerabilities in your security before cybercriminals do.

  • Device penetration testing is designed to identify vulnerabilities specific to individual devices, such as IoT devices. Our experts use up-to-date threat intelligence and simulated real-world attack scenarios to provide you with tailored, actionable recommendations to beef up your security. With Extra, you can trust that our experts will help you identify vulnerabilities in your device security before cybercriminals do.

  • Our physical penetration testing evaluates your physical security measures, such as whether unauthorized individuals can access your server room. Our experts use the latest tools and techniques to simulate real-world attack scenarios and provide you with actionable recommendations to improve your physical security posture. With Extra, you can be assured that our experts will help you identify vulnerabilities in your physical security before cybercriminals do.

Invite Extra Security in your walls today

At Extra Security’s we do more than just break walls. We partner with you to build stronger ones. We’re committed to helping you create a secure environment that fosters trust with your customers and peace of mind for you.

In the world of cybersecurity, the best defense is a good offense. So, are you ready to break your own walls? Get in touch with Extra Security today and we can build a fortress together.


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